Welcome Back or Become a Gold or Platinum Member Today! (Over $5,000 in Resources!)

If you already have a membership, simply log in to the right just under “Enroll Now!”.

My message to you is simple: I want to help you increase your net income from rental properties and make landlording far less frustrating. You do NOT have to learn everything about landlording the “hard” way (and more costly)! The good news is that we have already discovered how to handle all the rental challenges you will be facing. Today, you can start to take greater control of your rental property and your cash flow!

We want to share with you hundreds of articles, tips, forms and landlording strategies from Jeffrey Taylor, founder of MrLandlord.com (America’s #1 landlording coach), plus learn from the experiences of thousands of successful rental property owners nationwide through the many resources offered right on this site, including e-books, rental forms, dozens of audio and video trainings and much more all in one place.

We have been helping real estate investors for 30+ years by providing all the keys to your rental property success. Whether you are starting with one or two rentals or already own/manage a dozen or more, your transformation begins with changing the way you approach property management (from a “landlording” mindset to a “business” mindset).. Become a MrLandlord member today. Choose your membership level (bottom of the page) to gain immediate access to resources that will accelerate your success. Our no-risk guarantee is that you will increase your effectiveness and net income in 6 to 12 months with less headaches, learning what other landlords take decades to learn, or request your money back!

Audio Trainings

Audio Trainings

Special Reports

Special Reports







Audio Course

Audio Course

40 Ways to Increase Your Net Income

Ways Increase Income

Landlord Marketing Secrets

Direct Marketing

Brian Tracy VIP Interview

Brian Tracy

Les Brown VIP Interview

Les Brown

Memberships include immediate access to our resources. Once you have selected your membership level, you will be able to simply choose resources to read, listen or watch any time from any device
Gold Membership (annual membership)
  • Subscription + online access to our legendary Mr. Landlord newsletter, #1 landlord newsletter for 35 years. Each month the latest issue is provided online and a hard copy sent to your mailing address.
  • Newsletter Library/Archive of Mr Landlord Newsletters. 36 issues from 3 prior years with 100+ Cash Flow Ideas
  • Rental Forms for Marketing, Leasing, Resident Retention, and much more. 24/7 access to print any form as needed. 80 of the basic rental forms a newer investor would utilize.
  • Gold Club members have access to 25+ plus audio and video files.
  • Audio Trainings – by Jeffrey Taylor, founder of MrLandlord.com on topics such as filling vacancies, screening, improving resident’s performance, Key issues to include in your lease and eliminating turnover time when resident moves out. Additional audio training by national real estate instructors including Leigh Robinson, Ron Legrand, Lou Brown, David Lindahl, Les Brown and more audio trainings to be added.
  • Video Trainings – Videos from Mr. Landlord Live Seminars, view from your computer at you convenience, or watch from your phone. At the Gold level, the videos include an introduction to managing rental property and utilizing rental forms.
  • A copy of Jeffrey’s Sample Rental Agreement , founder of MrLandlord.com.
  • Special Reports – Starting with 4 reports – How to Fill Your Vacancies Fast, How to Get Rents On Time, 4 Ways to Increase Cash Flow and Maintenance Trouble Shooting Guide.
  • E-Books (For Gold Members) – 525 Maintenance Secrets and Landlord Marketing Secrets, Beginners Guide to Land Trusts
  • Podcasts covering: 1) Screening Tips, Tricks and Resident Criteria, 2) Favorite Lease Clauses and 3) How to Find Good Repair Persons, Handymen and Contractors shared by landlords from across the country!
  • Best news: Even if you’ve purchased individual items in the past, now with membership you always have access to all the resources any time, any device, on demand, wherever you are or go.
  • Plus 10% Discount or more off live training events!
PLATINUM MEMBERSHIP (TWO Year Membership) The Platinum member includes ALL of the above resources PLUS encompasses all of the following resources:
  • Subscription + online access to our legendary Mr. Landlord newsletter, #1 landlord newsletter for 35 years. Each month, for two years, the latest issue is provided online and a hard copy sent to your mailing address.
  • Newsletter Library/Archive of Mr Landlord Newsletters. 84 issues from 7 prior years with 250+ Cash Flow Ideas
  • Rental Forms for Marketing, Leasing, Resident Retention, and much more. 24/7 access to print any form as needed. 160 rental forms to cover a wide range of rental challenges that rental property owners may face in running a rental business.
  • Platinum members have access to 60 audio and video files.
  • Audio Trainings – by Jeffrey Taylor, including a complete mini 6 hour course on Landlording from A to Z. In addition Jeffrey reveals his core business concepts, how he responded to the Pandemic, fair housing matters, and grow his rental to the next level, Plus national real estate instructors were interviewed by Jeffrey including Brian Tracy, “Fixer” Jay Decima, Robert Shemin, Vena Jones Cox, Mike Butler, Pete Fortunato and more,
  • Video Trainings – from Mr. Landlord Live Seminars, view from your computer at you convenience, or watch from your phone! Includes advanced training on numerous management topics with special focus on ways to protect your cash flow. In addition, there is video training delivered specifically to MrLandlord members by guest instructors on apartment investing, creating passive tax free income and ways to retire from your rental portfolio.
  • Library/Archive 250+ Cash Flow Ideas for platinum members)
  • E-Books (For Platinum Members) – 40 Ways to Increase Net Income of Your Rental Property, How To Collect The Money You Won, and Perpetual Income
  • Plus 20% Discount or more off live training events!
  • And many more resources and discounts added on a regular basis to your membership access at NO additional cost!!

  • Boot Camp membership not only gives you access to ALL of the above resources, you will also have access to a complete two day online training, both an audio and video version. Learn at your own pace and your choice of teaching format.
  • The entire purpose of the boot camp is aimed at moving landlords to the next level. Why take 5 to 10 YEARS to learn what I can teach you in a two day training? Not only that, it does not make sense to learn so much the HARD WAY, through the school of hard knocks, like so many landlords who end up not lasting long enough to survive and really enjoy the fruits of their rental efforts.
  • There are tons of costly mistakes which I can help you avoid and how to manage far more effectively. The problem is that you don’t even know what you don’t know until after the fact. But in the meantime, the way you are running your rentals is costing you thousands of dollars and you don’t even realize it. You just know that you keep having challenges and frustrations and it seems the renters are not getting better.
  • The truth of the matter and the challenge is not for your renters to get better. The real change needs to be with YOU! I want to challenge you to stop running your business the way you have always done so. Most landlords are not even aware of how much your cash flow can be greatly improved and many frustrations eliminated by simply doing and managing your rental business differently. I promise you I can help you speed up the learning curve in doing things differently and more effectively and will teach you some of the absolute best landlording success practices so much faster than it would take you to learn it on your own. Stop trying to reinvent the wheel! And stop making all the mistakes that the vast majority of landlords are unknowingly making.
Is it worth it? Is it worth learning from someone who has over 30 years of proven experience and who has helped thousands of rental owners increase their cash flow, improved their sanity and become more successful? Here’s what one prior attendee had to say:

“There is an entire, fully-packed two-day training for the Landlording Bootcamp (On this site). There is an online version.. You’d be hard pressed to find a better teacher of this subject than Jeffrey Taylor (Mr. Landlord).” DJ, VA.

“I just joined as a gold member and I find your site extremely helpful.” — Albert FL

“A single idea out of the newsletter could save you 10 times the cost or more. A recent issue contained the letter I use for converting some slow payers to the biweekly payment plan. That letter makes me an extra $3,000 per year.” — Dan Arnold, MA

“I recommend each one of Jeffrey’s audio courses. Each one has given me ideas that saved me many times the purchase price. I can say the same thing about the Mr Landlord newsletter.”
— James, MA.

“Yes, the audio (trainings) are amazing. Jeffrey Taylor aka “Mr. Landlord” is the master at taking the idea of landlording to the reality of successful landlording. So many people don’t like rentals because they don’t understand how to be a Landlord. In my humble opinion, anyone who listens to Jeffrey will gain tremendous benefit. Jeffrey Taylor’s information is phenomenal. He is one guy who DEFINITELY OVER DELIVERS. And I have been through his course many times. He is hot!”
— John Burley, AZ

“Mr. Taylor, We are grateful in being members and for all the useful material that has enhanced our numerous properties. Thank You”
— Byron & Peggy P, CA

“I recommend a Platinum membership. It’s around $200 a year, but includes a $200 discount to the Landlord Boot Camp, discounted admission to the Convention and access to a boatload of training, forms and other online resources. If you’re already planning to attend (any of) these events, it’s hard to beat that deal. My wife and I have been to the last two conventions and we had a great time, met some online friends, made new friends and learned a lot.”
— bssterl, NH.

“Thanks to you, our net rental income over the last year increased by 20%.”
— Lance, homevestors Buyer & Landlord.

“It truly has almost every possible form/letter/advice to fit any given situation. It is well worth the money!”
— Jennifer, MO.

“By studying the materials over and over, I’ve eliminated a lot of bad tenants from my rentals,”
— Desaree, MD.

“It’s an understatement to say that they have helped us radically improve our business! Thank you so much for your brilliant ideas and terrific materials. You are the best investment we’ve ever made in our own education.”
— Eric, CO.

Click to see more reviews.

← Or, click to choose your membership!

Now is the time to take control and increase your cash-flow!

The first step is to enroll for one of the three membership levels by reviewing your membership options below (starting as low as $99). If you already have a membership, simply log in just under the enroll link to the upper right with your username and password. Click to compare membership levels and bonuses.


Newer Landlords
Gold Membership Bonuses for 1 year
Newsletter (for 12 months)
Newsletter 3 prior years
Sample Lease / Rental Agreement
Filling Vacancy Report
Rent Collection Report
80 Rental Forms
20 Audio Trainings
2 VIP Interviews
4 Video Trainings
Landlord’s Kit
E-Book – Landlord Marketing Secrets
EBook – 525 Maintenance Secrets
10% Discount Live Events
Up to 20%off all Paint @Home Depot
Platinum Membership Bonuses for 2 years
E-Book – 40 Ways Increase Income
EBook-How to Collect Money You Won
EBook – Perpetual Income
3 Additional Years Newsletter Issues
80 Additional Rental Forms
10 Additional VIP Interviews
16 Additional Audio Trainings
Favorite Lease Clauses -Podcast
Screening Tips — Podcast
6 Additional Video Trainings
20% Discount Live Events
10% off Books/CDs on MrL Catalog
Boot Camp Membership Bonuses for 3 years
1 Free Bootcamp Pass
Policy & Procedures Manual
2-Day Boot Camp Audio Course
2-Day Boot Camp Video Version
E-Book – Millionaire Tax Strategies
EBook-LLCs,What You Need toKnow
3 MORE Added Years Newsletter Issues
Unlimited Email Support/Coaching
20% Off Books/CDs on MrL Catalog
Mgt Software 1Yr free (up to $500 value)
Access All Site Bonuses for 3 Years
Exclusive Members’ Forum
$2000+ Value $5000+ Value $10,000+ Value
Your Price: $99 $249 $999
1 Year Access 2 Year Access 3 Year Access

Click Your Preferred Membership Now

Annual Gold Club Access PassBiennial Platinum Club Access PassBoot Camp Access Pass

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