Platinum and Boot Camp Members have full access to all 12 of these VIP Interviews.
For a limited time, if you are not already a Platinum Member, you can order online access to our VIP Interview Series with some of the top real estate instructors in the country.
This unique collection features audios that will give you investing and management insights with some of the most sought after minds in real estate working to accelerate your path to mastery and the achievement of your goals.
This special VIP audio collection of exclusive interviews conducted by Jeffrey Taylor (Mr. Landlord) features famous authors and speakers Brian Tracy, Lou Brown, David Lindahl, Ron LeGrand, “Fixer” Jay Decima, Raymond Aaron, Les Brown, Robert Shemin, Vena Jones Cox, Pete Fortunato, and Steve Cook.
Interview Topics Include:
* Buying Multi-Units
* Maximize Your Life
* Creative Financing
* Selling to Residents
* Quick Turn Millionaire
* Big Profits from Fixer-Uppers
* Systemize Your Rental Business
* Profit from Problem Properties
* How Landlords Can Stay Motivated
* Secrets of a Millionaire Landlord
* Utilizing Trusts with Rental Units
As you can see, each audio shares insights and ideas that can help you overcome real estate and management challenges or provide wealth-building insights that can help you add thousands in income to your real estate success. The regular price of this complete collection is $399.95 (the information contained in all these exclusive interviews is easily worth 10 times the regular for these highly insightful audios.). For a limited time, you have access to this deal: $199.95 for these twelve VIP interviews!
(Platinum and Boot Camp members have these interviews included with their enrollment! Click here for annual Platinum enrollment!
Click here for Boot Camp enrollment!)
Click Here to Take Advantage of this $199.95 Exclusive Offer (All 12 Interviews)

Peter Fortunato
Creative Financing

Steve Cook
Maximize Your Life

Lou Brown
Selling to Residents

Vena Jones Cox
Wholesaling &
Deal Making

Jay Decima
Big Profits from
Fixer Uppers

Robert Sherman
Secrets of a Millionaire Landlord

Ron LeGrand
Quick Turn Millionaire

Brian Tracy
Systemize Your Rental Business

Raymond Aaron
Profit from Problem Properties

David Lindahl
Buying Multi-Units

Lou Brown
Using Trust w/Rental

Les Brown
How Landlords Can Stay Motivated